Donate to Project Invent’s Future Fund!
At Project Invent, we believe that every student has what it takes to design bold, impactful solutions to real, complex challenges. This Fall, we are empowering more than 700 students — from Oakland, CA to Newport, VT — to step boldly into their roles as inventors of change. More than ever, our students rely on generous donations from people like you to deliver accessible resources and support along the invention journey.
Thank you for helping us build a generation of fearless, compassionate, problem solvers!
Ready, Set, Invent!
Project Invent is a registered 501(c)(3), EIN 82-4377729, so all donations are tax deductible.
If you prefer to donate via check, please make checks payable to Project Invent and mail to:
2107 S Locust Ct.
Bloomington, IN 47401
Donations are allocated in accordance with pressing student needs. Your support helps us deliver high-quality, equitable experiences for Project Invent students across the country. We are so grateful for your belief in our Mission!